You’re invited to BerkShares, Inc.’s Annual Meeting!

Time:    6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11
Where: Lee Bank’s new Pittsfield branch
180 South St. Pittsfield, MA 01201

Hear an annual update on our local currency from officers of the Board of Directors; members will approve new officers.

Including a special presentation by Matt Stinchcomb of Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley on our neighboring region’s new Library of Local initiative.

Residents of the Berkshire region and participating organizations are encouraged to become members and attend.

To become a member or renew, visit:


Matt Stinchcomb and his associates at Partners for Climate Action Hudson Valley has instituted the Library of Local initiative, partnering with area libraries to offering lending collections of useful things that can affect a more place-based, ecologically responsible way of living.

Their locally-constructed kiosks hosted include books, tools, seeds, A.V. equipment, and other resources that equip neighbors to take action on the climate crisis and advance ecological repair. The tool sections boasts soil blockers, shovels, spades, canning equipment, and compost thermometers—just about everything needed to begin growing your own food.

Additionally, it provides a monthly schedule of in-person, virtual educational events, and community meetings. As a private endeavor, these resources are maintained by citizen-activists, rather than drawing on municipal tax revenues..

Before co-founding Partners for Climate Action, Matt founded and led the Good Work Institute, a local organization committed to working towards a Just Transition in the Hudson Valley. Additionally, he is a co-founder of Place Corps, an educational program dedicated to cultivating a call to know, love, and serve our places. Prior to working in the non-profit sector, Matt was the VP, Values and Impact at Etsy. He serves on the board of directors for the Schumacher Center for New Economics (chair) and the Hawthorne Valley Association (co-chair).


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