Follow the Money: Stories from a Local Economy is a finely-printed collection from the entire BerkShares Business of the Month series to date. The book brings together the special stories of area business owners, farmers, and community practitioners who make the Berkshires such a vibrant place to work and live. The book is introduced by renowned environmental activist Bill McKibben.
Authored by Alice Maggio and Rachel Moriarty. Edited by Hildegarde Hannum.
This book is available for $20 or 20 BerkShares at The Bookstore in Lenox, MA, Shaker Mill Books in West Stockbridge, MA, The Bookloft in Great Barrington, and The Shop in South Egremont, MA. If you would like to carry the book in your store, please call us at (413) 528-1737 or email info@berkshares.org.