BerkShares Artist: Joan Grisworld

artist-painter-joan-griswoldJoan Griswold was born in Oberlin, Ohio in 1954 and currently resides in Great Barrington. She worked as a colorist in a print center in New York, and then managed the Broadway Frame Shop and Gallery for four years, but it wasn’t until she moved to rural England with her husband that she had the time to devote to the mastery of her art. Here, she says, “I taught myself to paint.” After settling in the Berkshires, with a studio on Main Street, she began exhibiting her work.

Her work is represented by Hoorn-Ashby in New York and Nantucket and the Marin Price Gallery in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and has been featured in solo exhibitions in New York, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. She has also participated in numerous group exhibitions throughout the United States and abroad, including the 2002 True Colors: Meditations on the American Spirit exhibition, commencing in Washington, D.C. and traveling to Turkey and Egypt.

 Her award-winning work has been featured on cover illustrations for several magazines and acclaimed by many publications including the New York Times. She conducts weekly painting classes in Great Barrington for artists of all ages and abilities, and has served on the Boards of the Sheffield Land Trust, Sheffield Art League and the Sheffield Arts Council.


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